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  • 本人没有直接或间接拥有美国居民10%以上的股份/投票权/权益,和/或没有通过其他方式控制美国公民或居民。
  • 本人没有直接或间接的美国公民或居民10%以上的股份/投票权/权益的所有权,和/或受美国公民或居民其他任何方式行使的控制。
  • 根据FATCA 1504(a)对附属关系的定义,本人与美国公民或居民没有任何附属关系。
  • 我知道做出虚假声明所需付的责任。
就本声明而言,所有美国附属国家和地区均等同于美国的主要领土。本人承诺保护Octa Markets Incorporated及其董事和高级职员免受因违反本声明而产生或与之相关的任何索赔。
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US: Redbook Index contracted 2.8% MoM

FXstreet.com (Barcelona) - The Redbook index has contracted 2.8% on a monthly basis and rose 1.8% over the last twelve month in the week ended on April 14, against previous prints at -2.7% and 2.0%, respectively.

Forex Flash: AUD/NZD poised for correction? – Westpac

Having already fallen more than 4 cents since mid-March, the AUD/NZD seems due for at least consolidation near-term, perhaps back to a 1.23 handle for a while. However, “the contrasts between the RBAs clear easing bias and the RBNZs steady hand plus the sharp divergence in relative commodity prices suggests ongoing risks to 1.20-1.2100 multi-week.” writes Global FX Strategist Sean Callow at Westpac.
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US Markit Manufacturing PMI falls to 52 in Apr from 54.6 in Mar

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